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Registered Trademark



Jared Goff works with trademark users to protect their trademark rights by preparing trademark search reports and opinions, preparing trademark applications, representing clients before the U.S. Trademark Office, and representing trademark users in disputes.


Trademarks identify the source of goods. They can include words, designs, or combinations thereof. A valid trademark can prevent others from using words or designs that would likely create consumer confusion as to the source of goods. Trademark owners can also prevent others from tarnishing, disparaging, or diluting their trademarks in certain situations. Service marks create similar rights, but for services rather than goods. The term "trademark" is often used to refer to both service marks and trademarks.

Trademark users can obtain certain trademark rights by merely using their trademarks in the marketplace. However, those rights can be significantly enhanced by obtaining federal and state trademark registrations. State trademark registration requirements differ from state to state. As with patents, applications for federal trademarks are examined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office to determine whether they meet legal requirements.

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Goff IP Law PLLC

Provo-Orem Area, Utah County, Utah


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Goff IP Law provides patent, trademark, copyright, and licensing services to clients throughout Utah, including the Utah County cities of Provo, Orem, Lehi, Springville, Spanish Fork, American Fork, Mapleton, Lindon, Payson, Santaquin, and Saratoga Springs, as well as Draper, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Cedar City, and St. George.


This site is for informational purposes only; it should not be taken as legal advice and it does not form an attorney-client relationship.  Such a relationship is only formed after Goff IP Law and the client sign an engagement letter. Please do not provide us with any confidential information through this website or otherwise until we specifically request you to do so.

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